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no lockdown folder in any folder in

every time i go to ssh into my iPhone i keep getting

new connection !AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe = 0iPhone attached !AMDeviceConnect = 0AMDeviceIsPaired = 0MobileDevice: AMDeviceValidatePairing: Could not load pairing record C:\Users\home\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Lockdown\db4e6a8bc3a59a5b681b19e03016a837 dfd32f0.plistAMDeviceValidatePairing = -402653147AMDeviceStartSession = -402653147AMDeviceStartService = -402653154AFCConnectionOpen = 0

i tried to find this folder and copy and paste it but i don't have it, i recently had to restore my iphone if that might be the cause and this wouldn't be a problem if someone knows another way to get videos from cycorder on my computer or my themes to my phone thank you.