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Re: Poor FTP performance of winSCP for multiple small files...


tingshen wrote:

I have a process to FTP about 1800 files with 1KB-3KB each (which takes up 4KB on the disk).

The rate to transfer most files are around 6KiB/s+ and it gradually slow down to 3KiB/s+ eventually.

normal cause file size/count

tingshen wrote:

However, if I were to use normal Windows FTP, the performance is very fast, however, it can't handle certain numbers of files within a particular remote directory.

normal win behavior, seems to be fast at beginning, then slowdown
however, transfer rates in win os are especially ;)

tingshen wrote:

Is there a parameter or configuration we can use to maximize the bandwidth we have?

this is not a bandwith problem, look to ftp protocol.
no way 2 change

Poor FTP performance of winSCP for multiple small files...

I have a process to FTP about 1800 files with 1KB-3KB each (which takes up 4KB on the disk).

The rate to transfer most files are around 6KiB/s+ and it gradually slow down to 3KiB/s+ eventually.

I tried the GUI version, it's the same problem. However, if I were to use normal Windows FTP, the performance is very fast, however, it can't handle certain numbers of files within a particular remote directory.

Is there a parameter or configuration we can use to maximize the bandwidth we have? Currently we are still on 100Mbps network.

Thanks all!