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Topic review


knassher wrote:

but how do i do this via script?

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

let me explain what i like to do, the server that i want to connect use sudo, i can connect to the server but no as root, what i want to do is connect to the server as root but using my own credentials.
I know that using the server sftp option you can do that, but how do i do this via script?

Re: use of the sftp-server option via script

knassher wrote:

How do i use the sftp-server option via script to conect to a server as another user?

What exactly are you asking here? Do you want to log in to one server and sftp to another? Do you have rights on either server? You'll need to supply more information in order to get a specific answer. The scripting FAQ is very direct with several examples for each command element.

Re: use of the sftp-server option via script

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

use of the sftp-server option via script

How do i use the sftp-server option via script to conect to a server as another user?