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Re: WinSCP 423 beta doesn't install

rsumpay wrote:

WinSCP beta

We have had issues installing all versions post 419 in our lab environment. Our lab is blocked off with firewalls and proxy servers. Using Wireshark and inspecting the packets, we found that v.419 were making calls to sourceforge. Versions 4.2.xx+ are now making calls to We also see in our packets that versions 4.2.xx end up in Error Code 400 (Bad Requests).

The URL "" was also added to our proxy "whitelists" and non-cache lists to no avail.

If you'd like to know what OpenCandy is, please read documentation.

I'm sorry but I don't actually see what the issues are here. Are you unable to successfully install WinSCP 4.2.xx? If so, what errors are you seeing and where are you seeing them?


WinSCP 423 beta doesn't install

WinSCP beta

We have had issues installing all versions post 419 in our lab environment. Our lab is blocked off with firewalls and proxy servers. Using Wireshark and inspecting the packets, we found that v.419 were making calls to sourceforge. Versions 4.2.xx+ are now making calls to We also see in our packets that versions 4.2.xx end up in Error Code 400 (Bad Requests).

The URL "" was also added to our proxy "whitelists" and non-cache lists to no avail.