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Re: change owner/group

Please read documentation. Though I doubt you have permissions to change owner.

change owner/group

I am extremely naive to these computing stuff. Just learning little by little on own. I would appreciate if somebody can help me out.

I was given a server space (linux) to host my website. Installed joomla but all joomla directories were 'unwritable'. However joomla installed correctly and operable.

I was told that 'unwritable' issue is to due to file permissions issue.

In my account there are - application, info, system and web. Web folder has html where joomla is installed. if I browse from my user folder, I see that it points to group/web/html. Joomla directories point to group/web/html and not user/web/html

Group/web owner and group is root and root respectively. If I change owner to my user ID and group, I was told it would solve problem

I don't know how to do it with winSCP. Could somebody please help?
