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Re: File viewing

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File viewing

Installed WinSPC v.4.1.9 (build 416) on a new computer. Had v.3.8.2 (build 330) on old computer.

On old version double-clicking on fax files (tiff w/g3 extension), they would open up in ImageMagick display. On new computer, the same files open in the internal editor apparently, but nothing shows on the screen.

Also on the old version, double-clicking on .htm files would open up in Mozilla Firefox. On new computer again it opens in the internal editor, but nothing shows up.

I'm running Windows XP on both. When I check preferences for editors, both the old and new installations only have the internal editor, and notepad, listed. I haven't been able to figure out how ImageMagick and Firefox ended up being the default viewer on the old system.

Any suggestions?
