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I require my username and password reset

I've changed my user name and password between my iphone and pc and get an error "network connection refused. Can I pls get this reset. Please email to


Hiro4476 wrote:

johnbmwx6 wrote:

I put the file into WinSCP/puTTy, and nothing happened, same "No puTTY.exe"

do you mean you put the *.exe under "..\WinSCP\puTTy\"?
like I said, the default dir is "C:\Program Files\PuTTY"
so it'll become like "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe"
unless you go into the setting and change it.

I am not getting anywhere with this, I downloaded Putty exe file, put it in the Putty file group. Nothing gained still says NO exe command.
I tried openning it and it openned as the Log-in box, which then openned the terminal (black
)promp box!!
Help please. :?

Hiro4476 wrote:

johnbmwx6 wrote:

I put the file into WinSCP/puTTy, and nothing happened, same "No puTTY.exe"

do you mean you put the *.exe under "..\WinSCP\puTTy\"?
like I said, the default dir is "C:\Program Files\PuTTY"
so it'll become like "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe"
unless you go into the setting and change it.

I downloaded the files and put the package in the file group under PuTTy.
I tried to open the file and the Winscp screen came up, so tried to access through this and again failed with the message "NO PuTTY.exe", stumped :?

johnbmwx6 wrote:

I put the file into WinSCP/puTTy, and nothing happened, same "No puTTY.exe"

do you mean you put the *.exe under "..\WinSCP\puTTy\"?
like I said, the default dir is "C:\Program Files\PuTTY"
so it'll become like "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe"
unless you go into the setting and change it.

I put the file into WinSCP/puTTy, and nothing happened, same "No puTTY.exe"
I tried openning the file and it wanted to made a key!!
I refused to save it, could this be the problem, It also openned a BLACK systems box with the prompt in it!! again I closed this not knowing what to do!!.
Ideas please.

Thanks Guys will give it a go. :)

Re: Winscp password change

forgot the mention,
think the default directory is "C:\Program Files\PuTTY"

Re: Winscp password change

martin wrote:

roy4magic wrote:

Hi, sorry after an hour I cannot find how to change it - I don't get the window you show in your FAQ which enables change. I'm on Vista with iPhone - it logs in OK. Thank you.

Sorry I do not understand. What password do you want to change? That FAQ do you refer to?

I have the same problem, I can log in but Putty.exe command is not there!!!, any ideas.

Re: Winscp password change

roy4magic wrote:

Hi, sorry after an hour I cannot find how to change it - I don't get the window you show in your FAQ which enables change. I'm on Vista with iPhone - it logs in OK. Thank you.

Sorry I do not understand. What password do you want to change? That FAQ do you refer to?

Winscp password change

Hi, sorry after an hour I cannot find how to change it - I don't get the window you show in your FAQ which enables change. I'm on Vista with iPhone - it logs in OK. Thank you.