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Topic review


rasta4cr wrote:

right now I'm sending clients a reg file with the session the batch file calls ($CONN%) so I'm doign the registry method but open to changes. I can load these settgins with the registry too right? Any thoughts on .INI vs Registry (aside from the obvious mucking with the registry part).

Registry are fine as well of course. I just though using an INI file might be easier.

martin wrote:

This is correct approach. You can distribute the INI file with the settings pre-configured.

right now I'm sending clients a reg file with the session the batch file calls ($CONN%) so I'm doign the registry method but open to changes. I can load these settgins with the registry too right? Any thoughts on .INI vs Registry (aside from the obvious mucking with the registry part).

rasta4cr wrote:

I see that there's a "preview" changes option. I have a weird workaround that I take off the "/defaults", then uncheck "preview changes" and check "use these options next time", then run the job. On the following run I put the "/defaults" back on and it goes without the checklist. This won;t scale for a large distribution of this job....curious if other have a more robust idea.

This is correct approach. You can distribute the INI file with the settings pre-configured.

I see that there's a "preview" changes option. I have a weird workaround that I take off the "/defaults", then uncheck "preview changes" and check "use these options next time", then run the job. On the following run I put the "/defaults" back on and it goes without the checklist. This won;t scale for a large distribution of this job....curious if other have a more robust idea.

Supress synchronization checklist

I'm running a synchronization process to upload a folder full of file from local to a remote host with ver. 419 (Build 416). How can adjust my command to suppress the checklist that pops up?

My command (which is inside a .bat file) (upload.bat):
winscp.exe %CONN% /synchronize %LDIR% %RDIR% /defaults

I've tied this and it just exits right away:
winscp.exe /command %CONN% /synchronize %LDIR% %RDIR% /defaults