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Re: 'Invalid Access to Memory' error w/ RDP connections

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

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'Invalid Access to Memory' error w/ RDP connections

winscp 4.2.2 build 480
windows xp sp3
using scp, connecting to opensshd on fedora 10&11 & also debian
Im consistently experiencing the following bug:
- I use winscp locally on my primary xp workstation, 'xp1' and I occasionally connect to 'xp1' remotely from another workstation,'xp2', using windows remote desktop (RDP).
Each time that I use RDP, I keep reconnecting to the same (existing) session...i.e., I am not logging on&off of windows xp each time I leave 'xp1' and move to 'xp2'...I simply lock 'xp1' and reconnect to my existing session on 'xp1' from 'xp2' using rdp...and,vice versa...when Im finished working from 'xp2', I'll simply 'disconnect' the rdp session (NOT log off), and reconnect locally at 'xp1'...

whenever I leave a winscp session(s) active/connected on 'xp1' and then reconnect to 'xp1' from 'xp2' using rdp, I'll immediately receive the 'invalid access to memory' error. winscp doesnt crash...I can continue to work after clicking out of the error message box. Once I finish working remotely from 'xp2' (by closing the rdp sesssion) and then re-connect locally at 'xp1', I'll again receive the same error...

so, winscp apparently doesnt deal well with switching between a local 'terminal' session and a remote rdp session in windows...

steps to reproduce:
1)login to a windows xp machine & launch a winscp session...
2)go to another xp machine & login remotely using RDP to the first xp machine, making sure to reconnect to the existing windows session where winscp should already be up&running...
3) upon logging in successfully & reconnecting to the disconnected session through RDP, winscp should report the 'invalid access to memory' error...
4) log back into the first machine locally, and verify that winscp again will report the error (due to the switch to&from local & rdp session)