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Topic review


Re: Re : parameters

It would be nice if the syntax were instead "[user[:password]]@host" and WinSCP would prompt for the username as well as the password if they were omitted. Any chance of that in a new version?

OK, maybe :-)

Re: Re : parameters

martin wrote:

Note that instead of "name_of_the_session" you may type "user[:password]@host".

It would be nice if the syntax were instead "[user[:password]]@host" and WinSCP would prompt for the username as well as the password if they were omitted. Any chance of that in a new version?

Re: Re : parameters

WinSCP have only little of command-line options. Note that instead of "name_of_the_session" you may type "user[:password]@host". WinSCP has ad hoc support for Windows "Send to" hook. So, you you may type "winscp3 session /upload file1 file2 file3". That is generally all.

Re : parameters

i successfully did with
"PATH_TO_WINSCP3\WinSCP3.exe" name_of_the_session

however, i would be interested to know what other
parameters or switches we can use.
Gerrd Ferrer

Launch Winscp with parmeters (for example the session name) from an external application.

We'd like to lauch Winscp from an existing application client. And to specify the session where to connect. (We have 4 servers computers) How can we do that ?
Thanks in advance