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Re: Renaming transferred file to remote server

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

No problems. Is there a reason for this convention?

That's how masks work on Windows. Try
copy somefile _*_

Not exactly the same

WinSCP: _*_.* ->

Windows: copy _*_.* -> _oo.bar_

It's close, though, and I learnt something of Windows. Thanks.

Re: Renaming transferred file to remote server

Anonymous wrote:

No problems. Is there a reason for this convention?

That's how masks work on Windows. Try
copy somefile _*_

Re: Renaming transferred file to remote server

No problems. Is there a reason for this convention?


Re: Renaming transferred file to remote server

That's exactly how it should work. You cannot do what you want to.

Renaming transferred file to remote server

Hi. I came across an issue when I copy a file. If I want to rename a file but want to rename it from *.* to _*_.* (adding underscores in my case) the filename will be changed from to

In fact, adding any number of characters at the beginning will simply replace the same number characters in the filename.

Is there a reason for this or did I find an anomaly?