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Re: permissions bug? don't know if it is or isn't.

Change this how?

First, go to /bin and check what permissions are set for chmod.

Re: permissions bug? don't know if it is or isn't.

martin wrote:

Maybe you do not have a permissions to chmod binary?

Change this how?

Re: permissions bug? don't know if it is or isn't.

Maybe you do not have a permissions to chmod binary?

I have the same problem here. No luck at all reading the FAQ's. I may be missing something or there's probably something I don't understand. Help please?

permissions bug? don't know if it is or isn't.

Command 'chmod 0755 "gpSPhone"'
failed with return code 126 and error message
-sh: line 50: /bin/chmod: Permission denied.

That's what i get when im trying to change permissions,read through the faq's and all that.
NO luck at all.
and yes im trying to change permissions to 755 on the gpSphone app.
supposebly need to be owner of file but as far as i can see the 'root' is the owner of the file and that's the username i logged in through.
please help,i can understand when told,but trying to find out myself is pretty hard hahaha.