Re: getting started with WinSCP
And what's the problem?
problem is there is no HELP file for numpty like me, who knows nothing about ssh file transfer. but in defence of my own complaint.
It worked , I got a file across! F knows how....
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
And what's the problem?
I have this same problem. I type in the name of my firewall, and user name and password, all other choices in WinSCP are default. The error is "Host Does not exist." I have ssh enabled in my Smoothwall, and I use port 222, which is the port used by Smoothwall. I have a valid user name and password. I tried with the name of my smoothwall and the IP address.
And what's the problem? Any error message? Or log file?