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Topic review


OK, I've meant short disconnection.

Yes, Martin, that could be the case, I am not sure.

As two (or more) of your programs disconnect at the same time. I still do not see what makes you think that it is fault of WinSCP.

Because so far and as far as I can see it now it seems to have happened only, when WinSCP was running. But I will go on watching it, I mean to have never noticed it before.

Thanks for your help, nice greetings, Dirk

OK, I've meant short disconnection. As two (or more) of your programs disconnect at the same time. I still do not see what makes you think that it is fault of WinSCP.

Thanks, Martin,

It doesn't seem to be like that, the connection seems to stay alive, without interruption, there is a connection before WinSCP (or the server) automatically breaks the connection and after.

Thanks again, nice greetings, Dirk

Well, I have no idea. Isn't it rather your internet connection what breaks?

Sorry Martin,

I meant: when WinSCP is connected to a server after a while this connection automatically breaks (though the option to keep alive the connection is enabled). And when this connection breaks also the connection to the net of another program, e.g. jDownloader breaks.

Nice greetings, Dirk

Re: Breaking connection of WinSCP breaks connect. of other apps?

Sorry, I'm not sure what you talk about. Can you give me more details?

Breaking connection of WinSCP breaks connect. of other apps?

When WinSCP stops / break the connection to the server (is there a way to avoid this?), the connection of other programs like jDownloader to somewhere in the net often or always is disconnected, also.

How could I avoid it?

Nice greetings, Dirk