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Topic review


very useful information.....i think i can solve my little problem.. :D

I think I have found the solution. Thank you!

Thank you for your reply!

But no matter what transfer mode I used, the problem remained the same.

Any other suggestions? Thank you!

Internal Text Editor and notepad

dear sir,

I have some .txt files which obtained from remote unix computer. When I opened them using Internal Text Editor in winSCP, they look like this:
0.936413 0.001894
0.922156 0.000272
0.894030 0.046187
0.932344 0.000925
0.944660 0.008052
0.862760 0.008854
That's what I needed and expected.
But when I copied them to my own computer and opened them from my own computer using Notepad, they look like:
0.936413 0.0018940.922156 0.0002720.894030 0.0461870.932344 0.000925
Though I know there is a unseen Line termination Character '\n' between 4 and 0, 2 and 0, and so on. I really don't like my data show like this.
How can I get my data like
0.936413 0.001894
0.922156 0.000272
0.894030 0.046187
0.932344 0.000925
0.944660 0.008052
0.862760 0.008854
when I open my .txt file using Notepad?
Thank you so much.