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Michael-O wrote:

Has this something to do with WinSCP's non-Unicode thing?

Yes it does. That's what the FAQ says.

I tried the remark again and it did work out for cyrillic. Well, it's quite weak and not really a solution because I am limited to one language only.
Has this something to do with WinSCP's non-Unicode thing? FileZilla works natively.


I did everything possible for SFTP. No avail. FileZille does not fail. That's the point.

Re: WinSCP fails with UTF-8 chars, FileZilla does not

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

WinSCP fails with UTF-8 chars, FileZilla does not

I am experiencing some problems with WinSCP 4.1.9 and 4.2.3. I run an server under ubuntu 8.04 LTS with openssh 4.7p1. Locale is de_DE.UTF-8. I have created a russian-named file and tried to retrieve it.

1. WinSCP fails to display the file name with UTF-8 auto and on but
2. sftp command line from another linux box works and
3. filezilla displays and transfers the file correcty.

This seems to be a problem with WinSCP then. Is there anything I could try about it?
If you need I could provide a shell account for testing.
