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Re: importing source files into Microsoft visual studio 2008?

aminchar wrote:

What amount of donation would it take for you to convert your sources from C++ Builder to Visual Studio 2008? I would like to contribute if you are interested.

You do not have that much... :)

Re: importing source files into Microsoft visual studio 2008?

Hi Martin Prikryl,

What amount of donation would it take for you to convert your sources from C++ Builder to Visual Studio 2008? I would like to contribute if you are interested.

1. Borland C++ 6.0 Builder is outdated and not officially available for purchase.
2. Not officially approved for Windows XP or Vista.
3. Not made by Borland now
4. Visual studio has a much larger user base thus help and product availibity to casual users is much higher.
5. C++ Builder is much more expensive to equivalent featured versions of Visual studio.

Re: importing source files into Microsoft visual studio 2008?

Ahoj Martine, neznas prosim nejakou C++ aplikaci, ve ktere probiha nejaka sitova komunikace a sla by importovat do Microsoft Visual 2008, nebo Eclipse platformy? Skoda, ze WinSCP nejde. Chtel bych zanalyzovat nejakou malou aplikaci pomoci Source Code A-n-alyzatoru. Dekuju moc

Re: importing source files into Microsoft visual studio 2008?

You cannot build WinSCP in VS.

importing source files into Microsoft visual studio 2008?

Hi, I am pretty new to programming. I would like to download an open source project and build it in my Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. In fact, I tried to import and build the application WinSCP:
But it didn't work. Please can somebody help me and tell me which files do I have to download (from sourceforge) and how to import these into Microsoft Visual Studio in order to build the application. Thank you a lot. David