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Re: Sync with option "both" or "local" shows file to download

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Sync with option "both" or "local" shows file to download

...while "remote" says no differences found.
When viewing the local and remote folders the file timestamps are equal, in the sync window (option "local" or "both") the files on the server seem to be an hour younger and thus are marked as different.
I've set the "time offset" for the server to two hours because the "remote" sync before always marked files on the local drive as younger.
Now, if I set the offset to one hour the "local" sync says no difference but both the "remote" and "both" sync want to upload all files from local to remote - and in the directory tree the times differ also by one hour (as expected...).

I'm using WinSCP 4.2.3 Build 494 in WinXP Prop SP3.