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Topic review


thank you, that worked nicely.

Re: SSIS job exits with code "1"

and under command options I set to
savedsessionname option confirm off /command "get /files/*.* c:\*.*"

Should be:
/command "open savedsessionname" "option confirm off" "get /files/*.* c:\*.*"

The scheduled job I created in SQL Agent works fine if I keep winscp running in the background. But if winscp is not running, it returns error code "1" instead of 0 and terminates. What am I doing wrong here?

This does not make any sense to me.

SSIS job exits with code "1"

I have setup a simple execute process task to copy a file from a remote sftp to the local drive. In the Program Executeable I set to
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe

and under command options I set to
savedsessionname option confirm off /command "get /files/*.* c:\*.*"

The scheduled job I created in SQL Agent works fine if I keep winscp running in the background. But if winscp is not running, it returns error code "1" instead of 0 and terminates. What am I doing wrong here?