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Re: No Winterboard?

drstalint63 wrote:

ryndgls360 wrote:

I am trying to connect with my iPhone to drag and drop some theme's but I was told I am supposed to drop them in a Winterboard folder since I am running Winterboard on my phone. This folder does not appear in WinSCP. Any ideas?

The folder you should be dropping your themes into is VAR>STASH>Themes....
drop the theme into it thru winscp..and apply it using winterboard in your iphone

Thanks! That was a huge help! Now I have one more question (for now, I guess). I am having problems with keyboards. Every keyboard theme I download to change the appearance of it, it does nothing...

Re: No Winterboard?

ryndgls360 wrote:

I am trying to connect with my iPhone to drag and drop some theme's but I was told I am supposed to drop them in a Winterboard folder since I am running Winterboard on my phone. This folder does not appear in WinSCP. Any ideas?

The folder you should be dropping your themes into is VAR>STASH>Themes....
drop the theme into it thru winscp..and apply it using winterboard in your iphone

No Winterboard?

I am trying to connect with my iPhone to drag and drop some theme's but I was told I am supposed to drop them in a Winterboard folder since I am running Winterboard on my phone. This folder does not appear in WinSCP. Any ideas?