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Aliencoder wrote:

Dreamweaver knows where that file exists in the remote directory.

OK, that's what I was asking for. How does it know?

Hi, it is similar to the "Synchronized browsing" in WinSCP-- if you are working with a local file, Dreamweaver knows where that file exists in the remote directory. There is a "put" button on the Dreamweaver tool bar and also in the right click menu on the local file. Using "put" uploads the file to the correct place in the remote directory.

What is nice about this is that you can work with related files that are not near each other in the remote directory (i.e. MVC file structures a controller and related view) but Dreamweaver knows where they go upon "put".

There may be some other way to do this in WinSCP-- I've been using Dreamweaver so long I may have developed some software-specific habits. Thanks!

Re: smart uploading in WinSCP

Can you give me more details about how the Dreamweaver does that actually?

smart uploading in WinSCP

Hi, first of all thanks to the WinSCP community for a great piece of software.

I'm moving to WinSCP/Notepad++ from Dreamweaver and trying to figure out how to replicate Dreamweaver's right-click "put" command, which uploads the selected file to the correct place in the remote directory. WinSCP, on the other hand, seems to require that I open the remote commander window to the correct directory-- otherwise it will upload to whatever directory the commander window is open to.

Thanks for your help!