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Topic review


Re: Reeceived same error

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Reeceived same error

Hello ,

I am receiving teh same error here. did we get a solution for this issue?

Re: Exit code 250477278

How did you solve the problem? I faced the same error in the same circumstances.

Re: Exit code 250477278

Have sent email with logs.

Re: Exit code 250477278

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.

Re: Exit code 250477278

martin wrote:

Do you have a log files?

Yes I can email them to you directly. Send me your email

Re: Exit code 250477278

Do you have a log files?

Exit code 250477278

Problem with scripting in WinSCP v 4.2.4 Beta. Last night I received Exit Code 250477278. What causes this? The one script is run from SSIS and was working fine for a number of days. When I recieved this error I tried running the batch file that is used to launch the script and it returned the same error. We also received "false positives" from another process at the same time. i.e. was reporting success when in fact it was failing.

Process Exit Code 250477278.
O/S is WIN2k3 64BIT.
Script file below.

# Automatically answer all prompts so as not to stall
# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
open UID:PWD@ip:PORT -hostkey="blah"
# Change remote directory
cd /Home/Artis/Incoming_from_Artis/Crawl_Data
# Force binary mode transfer because if we use ascii, the pading and spaces are removed. We lose pretty print on files
option transfer binary
# Upload file to the remote directory
put -preservetime "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_Data\*.*"

#now put up the flag file
cd /Home/Artis/Incoming_from_Artis/Misc
put -preservetime "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_DataFlag.txt"

# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

REM Comments: Add /console to see the console if debugging
date /t > "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_DataFlag.txt"
time /t >> "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_DataFlag.txt"
dir "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_data" >> "C:\Program Files\Artis Group\Weather Channel ETL\Rawfiles\Outputs\Outgoing_To_TWC\Crawl_DataFlag.txt"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /console /script=C:\TWC\SFTP1CrawlScript.txt /log=C:\TWC\winscp_CRAWL_SFTP1.TXT
rem pause
rem cls
rem exit