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Re: message tones gone. help plz

BIdoubleG wrote:

found an answer that worked in the end, needed winterboard and used the internals of that.

can you please let me know, how you did it? I am trying to get acess to WinSCP - iphone with FW 3.1.2... but I have no username and password... root / alpine does not work / File Protocol SFTP... There is no login possible - are there some other usernames / passwords I have to use???

Thanks for a quick reply!



message tones gone. help plz

found an answer that worked in the end, needed winterboard and used the internals of that.

message tones gone. help plz

hi, i am using a 3g iphone with firmware 3.1.2 on a vista pc with winscp 4.1.9 i was trying to change message tones an didn't convert to .aiff first, which left me with no tones. i have converted to .aiff then renamed to .caf as i have read to do. but when i use winscp to transfer now the folder UISounds has gone and no message tones at all. i have tried creating new folder in roots/library/audio and transferred into but the tones still don't work in iphone plz help thx