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Topic review


Does no answer means "no, i wouldn't add this feature"? Sad news if it's so. But, anyway, thanks for your program.

Retry in batch mode

It would be great feature to allow program to recconect in case of an error while listing directory or (and) downloading files. There are many weak internet channels / slow ftp servers in the world, yet :(

Re: Retry in batch mode

The root cause is out of my control — the server is located in another city, in about 9000 km far way. And your tool is the only freeware utility for win wich able to automate the everyday routine of updating a couple of files. Please, if you can, add this functionality. Something like "option retry off" & "option retrycount 0..9"

Re: Retry in batch mode

To avoid the problem, you should actually solve the root cause, I think.

Retry in batch mode

Hello, i have the little improvement request. When i'm using batch mode to make a mirror of ftp server, i've randomly received messages like this:

Error listing directory '/Here/Is/The/Path'.
The server cannot open connection in active mode. If the problem persists, consi
der switching to passive mode.
Could not retrieve directory listing
Can't open data connection.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Abort

If using "option batch continue", program choses (S)kip, for "option batch on" it stops with (A)bort, but how to make it (R)etry for 1-5 times. In my case this helps to avoid the problem.