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Re: WinSCP342 will not resume

Resuming works only with SFTP protocol? Have you selected in on login dialog? During upload, you should see status of resuming on the progress dialog. You must see there: 'Resume: Enabled'. When transfer fails, after you reconnect, you should see file with extension .filepert in remote directory.

WinSCP342 will not resume

I have a slow wireless connection that is not very reliable. It disconnects from time to time. When I transfer files and my connection drops, obviously the transfer ends. The file is fairly large, 22 meg, and under preferences->transfer enable transfer resume "Files above 50kb" is selected. The program will not resume and the only option I get is to restart the program with a fresh upload. Is there anything else that I have to do to get the program to resume the upload. I do use psftp and "reput" and it works, but for some reason WinSCP doesn't.

Thanks in advance,
