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leisking wrote:

The only thing that concerns me is; since the remote panel does not automatically refresh would Winscp still transfer the generic word doc from my local machine to the remote one since it would appear that the generic word doc is already on the remote side when actually it has been removed by the script on the remote machine?

Remote directory is refreshed only after some operation (like file upload). However if new version of local file is created, it would have newer timestamp that obsolete version in remote directory. So WinSCP would consider it appropriate to upload it again.

I don't know a lot about the "compare directories" function but if it can move the files and be automated it would work for me.

The only thing that concerns me is; since the remote panel does not automatically refresh would Winscp still transfer the generic word doc from my local machine to the remote one since it would appear that the generic word doc is already on the remote side when actually it has been removed by the script on the remote machine?

If I understand it, you transfer files at once, so you do not need "keep remote directory up to date" function. It would be enough to compare directories (Ctrl+C) and than move newer files in local panel? Is it so?

Yes I need to automate the move command. I am scanning 500 to 1000 documents a day then transfering them to the remote machine. The remote machine then runs a script to distribute the documents to the correct locations in my database. In order for the remote machine to know when the transfer is complete I have a script on my local machine that creates a generic word doc that the remote machine looks for to know the transfer is complete so that it can process the documents. If winscp copy's rather than moves the files it does'nt see the generic word doc as new or changed so it does not transfer to the remote machine therfore my documents never get processed by the remote machine.

The other reason for "move" instead of "copy" is everyday cleanup and maintenace on my local machine. I don't want to have to worry about storage problems on my local machine. Everything is being backed up redundantly on my remote machine.

Re: Automated File Move

Do you want to automate move command? E.g. to do "Keep Remote Directory Up To Date" but with move operation rather than copy? Why?

Automated File Move

I am using the "Keep Remote Directory Up To Date" command to automate the transfer of files from my local machine(Windows) to the remote machine(Linux). My problem is, I can't figure out how to Move the files instead of Copying them. Can this be done? I tried using the Custom Command "Move" but I'm not sure how to enter the syntax for the "Move" command. If this can be done could someone instruct me on how to do so? If not, could someone suggest another program that can?
