Although you have configured into INI, but when come to scripting/automation.
I write a JScript and read Session from INI and do a Keepuptodate to monitor a local folder changes.
When Network is down, it does not prompt and auto reconnect.
"/console /command" + " \"option batch on\"" + " \"option confirm off\" " + " \"open ftp://" + @[User::FTPUsername] +":" + @[User::FTPPassword] + "@" + @[User::FTPServer] +"\" "+ "\"put " + "\"\"" + @[User::ExportFolderUG]+ @[User::OutputFileUG] + "\"\"" + "\"" + " \" Close\"" + " \" Exit\""
Thats the current expression i am using in SSIS.
so is there an scripting option such as
option SessionReopenAuto 5000
currently i'm using winscp in ssis with ftp,username and password passed in ssis variables The command to invoke wiscp is created in ssis as expression
winscp.exe /console /command "option batch on" "open user@example.com" "get examplefile.txt d:\" "exit"
i tried the followingb but i got error saying host not found
winscp.exe /console /command /ini=inifilelocation "option batch on" "open user@example.com" "get examplefile.txt d:\" "exit"
Please help
is there an option commandline or in script to retry if the ftp is down or not reachable and
if yes, what is the command or script to make it wait till the next try
i'm essentially looking for whats in the Endurnace section of GUI
I'm using the latest beta 4.24