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Re: WinSCP 3.4.2 editing and saving a session bug

martin wrote:

How do you edit the session? You should load it and than save it under the same name.

If I save it under the same name it loses all the same name it loses all the original settings, liek HOST, USERNAME, PASSWORD etc.

Can't you edit that seesion or profile somehow without losing the HOST etc settings after you save it?

Ok Sorry you load it first. You shoudl use another work instead of load I suppose. To me load sounds like Execute and run the session.

Re: WinSCP 3.4.2 editing and saving a session bug

How do you edit the session? You should load it and than save it under the same name.

WinSCP 3.4.2 editing and saving a session bug

I don't understand why if you edit the exsisitng session then click on save it wants to create a new session or you have the choice of dropping down the window and saving it to an exsisitng session but removes all the Host information and user login details?

Isn't the way to edit the current session then save it without loses the other information in that session?