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Re: "Lookup user groups" greyed out

It does not.

Re: "Lookup user groups" greyed out

Clear, but still it's strange that you can not avoid this error by unselecting the setting.
Clearly it's also trying to get the groups with SFTP, even when it is not possible.

Thx for your reply...

Yes how could I be so blind, that I didn't see the answer before.

THX m8

"Lookup user groups" greyed out

I have tried using WinSCP to get into my Synology DS107+.
When I log on, I get this error:

Command 'groups'

failed with return code 127 and error message
-ash: groups: not found.

Now I researched the error 127 and found out that the immiediate solution is to disable the "Lookup user groups" in WinSCP. This option is however greyed out!

I could use some help with this. Why is this option not available?

I'am using release 4.25 build 624.