Some time later... I copied a file repository on my windows machine to a Linux based svn server. This time, CR characters are removed (yes, on my new machine I forgot to change transfer mode to binary). To be sure, when I configure binary transfer mode, all files are copied exactly 1:1.
Given this information, I don't see why the problem be into the server. In fact, this does not matter. What matters is the fact that the behaviour differs from typical (FTP) File transfer behaviour. This, and this only should be a reason to have binary transfer set as default after installation of winscp.
- Rob
Given this information, I don't see why the problem be into the server. In fact, this does not matter. What matters is the fact that the behaviour differs from typical (FTP) File transfer behaviour. This, and this only should be a reason to have binary transfer set as default after installation of winscp.
- Rob