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Re: Time stamp problem

sparky wrote:

Both the server and client are using NTFS. I'm using SFTP.

Thanks for info. I'll look at that.

Re: Time stamp problem

martin wrote:

sparky wrote:

WinSCP 3.4.2 on Win XP SP1, accessing SSH Secure Shell for Windows 3.2 on Windows Server 2003. When transferring files, there is sometimes (about 50%) a 1 second difference in the time stamp. This causes problems with the directory compare function.

As it happen on 50% cases, it seems like it is FAT issue. FAT (Windows filesystem) has 2 seconds precision. What is your file system both on local station and the server (FAT or NTFS)? Does it happen with SCP or SFTP protocol?

Both the server and client are using NTFS. I'm using SFTP.

Re: Time stamp problem

sparky wrote:

WinSCP 3.4.2 on Win XP SP1, accessing SSH Secure Shell for Windows 3.2 on Windows Server 2003. When transferring files, there is sometimes (about 50%) a 1 second difference in the time stamp. This causes problems with the directory compare function.

As it happen on 50% cases, it seems like it is FAT issue. FAT (Windows filesystem) has 2 seconds precision. What is your file system both on local station and the server (FAT or NTFS)? Does it happen with SCP or SFTP protocol?

Time stamp problem

WinSCP 3.4.2 on Win XP SP1, accessing SSH Secure Shell for Windows 3.2 on Windows Server 2003. When transferring files, there is sometimes (about 50%) a 1 second difference in the time stamp. This causes problems with the directory compare function.

Is this a know bug or is the problem with my PC or server? (Also, I second the request for a recursive synchronize function.)

Thanks in advance!