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Topic review


Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

December 20, log sent by e-mail.
Did you receive?

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

Now, notice that there is a debug log.
Later, send e-mail.

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

Thank you for beta version.
However, the situation was the same.

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

I've sent you a debug version.

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

martin wrote:

Any error message?

No error message.
The double-clicked, it looks like that does not change anything.

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

Any error message?

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

WinSCP window to the left of (local disk), directory "表示" to create.
The directory can be created.
However, double-click did not move.

"表示" in English is "View" is the meaning of.
Similar meaning "掲示" then fine.

Sorry, I hardly understand English.
When I write, "Google Translate" has been used.

Re: Not move to a specific local directory.

Can you describe your problem into more details?

Not move to a specific local directory.

"表示" that can not move to the directory name.

(Ver 4.1.9)