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Topic review


Justin wrote:

Even with the fact that its using drag and drop, I dont see why that would impose the requirement of using a temporary folder

I am also wondering about this...

This was explained too many times in the forum already. Shortly: Windows drag&drop mechanics does not allow source application of drag&drop operation to find out easily where the files are dropped. It is up to target application (Windows Explorer usually) to transfer files to destination. It is rather reasonable, because source application can hardly transfer files to all possible destinations. Keep in mind that you can drop files not only to directory, but even to ZIP file (or any other archive), remote directory (via FTP, SCP, SFTP....), trash, ....

You are therefore forced to drag and drop files to and from the window

No, you can right click, and choose copy.

Even with the fact that its using drag and drop, I dont see why that would impose the requirement of using a temporary folder

I am also wondering about this...

I use the Explorer version of the interface, at least I think thats its name, when there is only the remote window shown. You are therefore forced to drag and drop files to and from the window, as the local side is not shown. Even with the fact that its using drag and drop, I dont see why that would impose the requirement of using a temporary folder.

Re: Non atomic copies

When does this happen? IFAIK this may happen only if you downloads files using drag&drop outside of WinSCP. In all other cases this should not happen. Do not use drag&drop to avoid this od drop to local panel of WinSCP.

Non atomic copies

I dont know if it should be the new default, or just an option, but I think the ability to have non-atomic copies would be great. Meaning, if a multiple file/folder copy fails now all is lost, even if files/folders were copied successfully. For large downloads, with people on wireless or unstable internet, or laptops that move, or whatever the reason, I find it very annoying when I have 8 500meg files, and 6 are done, but the 7th loses the connection and all is lost because it didn't complete everything.

Thanks, and its great software irregardless.