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Re: "Once finished" Options from the command-line

Just run the winscp.exe (or .com) from .bat file and follow that by shutdown.exe.

Re: "Once finished" Options from the command-line

And is there a way to automatically send the shutdown.exe command just after WinSCP has finished the synchronization of the directories?

Re: "Once finished" Options from the command-line

Just shutdown the machine after the script finishes. You can use shutdown.exe, which is part of Windows.

"Once finished" Options from the command-line

Hallo everyone,

I use the command-line to synchronize two directories, eg:
winscp.exe [mysession] /synchronize [local_directory] [remote_directory] [/defaults]

Is there any way to set the "Once finished: shutdown" option, which is available in the graphical interface of the new WinSCP version, through the command-line?

Using WinSCP 4.2.5 with "Commander" interface on Windows Vista.

Many thanks in advance.