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Re: Monitoring a directory

rancid wrote:

There's a directory that needs to be monitored for newly created files. If a new file is created there, to sftp that file to another server for processing.

There's no fixed schedule as to when the files are created.

How can I use WinSCP for this task?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Also is there a way for me to protect/encrypt the ID & password of the server that the newly created file will be "put" to?

Again, please read documentation.

Monitoring a directory


I would like advice and help on the following :

There's a directory that needs to be monitored for newly created files. If a new file is created there, to sftp that file to another server for processing.

There's no fixed schedule as to when the files are created.

How can I use WinSCP for this task?

Also is there a way for me to protect/encrypt the ID & password of the server that the newly created file will be "put" to?

Thanks in advance !