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Topic review


gt99 wrote:

I have to agree with OP - the FAQ is very difficult to follow. My team ended up using a different product.

Can you please share with us how does the "different product" handle this better?

I have to agree with OP - the FAQ is very difficult to follow. My team ended up using a different product.

Re: FAQ is a bit unclear

Xenaroth wrote:

I have had a look at the FAQ and am a bit unsure. it seems to indicate that that this is indeed possible but I cannot seem to follow its instructions/suggestions on how to exactly sudo su in as another user. Either I'm missing some crucial step or it isn't there.

On the other hand, I do not understand what do you miss... What step is not clear for you?

FAQ is a bit unclear

I have had a look at the FAQ and am a bit unsure. it seems to indicate that that this is indeed possible but I cannot seem to follow its instructions/suggestions on how to exactly sudo su in as another user. Either I'm missing some crucial step or it isn't there.

Re: Help using WinSCP for sudo su into another

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

Help using WinSCP for sudo su into another

I'm using WinSCP to login from a windows machine into a Linux Box
Is there a way to login and then effectivly sudo su into another username?