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Re: Disabling "lookup user groups" in script mode

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Disabling "lookup user groups" in script mode

Hello all,

I'm using winscp in script mode.

I'm trying to get the return code (errorlevel) in a batch file.

But, while opening the session, I get:
Command 'groups'
failed with return code 127 and error message
-ash: groups: not found.

So, each time, I get errerlevel=1, although, for exemple, the "put" command is correctly performed.
In GUI mode, it's possible to uncheck "lookup user groups".

Is there a way to do the same thing in script command line to skip the "groups" command?

I read the documentation, but nothing in script mode.

I tried on another server (which hosts the "groups" command and I got errorlevel=0 (as expected).
