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Topic review


cant_download_large_data wrote:

From my understanding, that's only available if I were to install WinSCP.


From my understanding, that's only available if I were to install WinSCP.

Re: Large Files Not Copied from Temporary Directory, or Removed

Have you tried used the drag&drop shell extension option?

More Information

I'm using the standalone client, Explorer interface.

Large Files Not Copied from Temporary Directory, or Removed

I'm using WinSCP 4.2.5 Build 624, connecting to Unix server running your standard ssh via SFTP. I've noticed this actually ever since I started using WinSCP years ago. When I download a large file (1gb+), or a large set of files (hundreds), one of two things happens; 1) the files are not moved from the temporary directory to the destination directory, or 2) the temporary directory is removed immediately, therefore deleting everything that was just downloaded.

Thank you.