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It could, but I do not plan to invest the time into obsolete SCP protocol.

Yet it does work if the file is dropped in to a folder that is open.

Presumably it's WinSCP checking the contents of the (open) folder, could it not simply check the contents of the destination folder regardless if it's open or not?


With SCP it indeed does not work. That's limitation of the protocol.

Sorry, I should have said. That's with SCP.


Re: Overwrite prompt not always appearing

What protocol?

Overwrite prompt not always appearing

I think I've found a bug in version 4.2.5 build 624:

In the explorer interface, if you drag a file from the local PC to the folder displayed on the remote side, you'll get an overwrite confirmation request if that file already exists ("Remote file <whatever> already exists. Overwrite?").

However, if you drag a file to a folder that is not displayed (e.g. by dragging it either to one of the folders on the left hand side, or to a sub-folder displayed in the open folder on the right hand side), no such prompt is presented and the file is silently overwritten if it already exists.

I hope that's clear, but feel free to ask if you need clarification,
