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For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: WinSCP can't read directory structure

Anonymous wrote:

I have the same problem, but unfortunately the solution doesnot work: too big packet send.

This is usually caused by some message printed from .profile or similar script. Try to remove such messages, if any.

The directory structure is asked by the command
ls -la
, is there a way to change into
ls -l

It is not possible.

Re: WinSCP can't read directory structure

Anonymous wrote:

I just changed the protocol to SFTP and now it works.

I have the same problem, but unfortunately the solution doesnot work: too big packet send.

The directory structure is asked by the command
ls -la
, is there a way to change into
ls -l


Re: WinSCP can't read directory structure

Anonymous wrote:

Very good tool, anyway!!!


Re: WinSCP can't read directory structure

I just changed the protocol to SFTP and now it works.

Maybe it's an bug anyway. Don't know....

Very good tool, anyway!!!


WinSCP can't read directory structure

I alway receive an error message when WinSCP tries to get the directory structure:

Unexpected directory listing line 'insgesamt 10984'.
Invalid rights description 'nsgesamt '

I think that the last line is a summary of the bytes/bits that are to read, but don't know.

Possibly you should try to ignore the line:
insgesamt 10984????

Best Regards Mark