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I'm afraid that I do not know how to help you :-( I'm sorry.

Typically the clients just crash out, WinSCP with error 0 and putty with no error at all -

However the serverside logs show the following, I assume the firewall info bit is a 'red herring' -

Firewall : https://ftp:22/<ENCRYPTED URL>" proto=http-https (First message not hello or alert)

Target SSH : Jan 9 11:47:44 ftp sshd[26121]: [ID 702911] connection from ""
Jan 9 11:47:44 ftp sshd[26728]: [ID 702911] Local disconnected: Connection closed by remote host.
Jan 9 11:47:44 ftp sshd[26728]: [ID 702911] connection lost: 'Connection closed by remote host.'

pegan wrote:

It appears that the connection goes out fine, where it is picked up by the SFTP server. The connection is then terminated suddenly, the only error I see on the target SFTP server is 'connection closed by remote host'.

What does WinSCP say? Can you try to connect with Putty SSH client?

martin wrote:

pauly wrote:

The Proxy settings tab does not seem to work for me either.

And what does it do?

It appears that the connection goes out fine, where it is picked up by the SFTP server. The connection is then terminated suddenly, the only error I see on the target SFTP server is 'connection closed by remote host'.

pauly wrote:

The Proxy settings tab does not seem to work for me either.

And what does it do?

Re: proxy

david wrote:

is there any free ip's for ssh proxy around that you know of?

I do not know.

In addition, I have noticedi n my logs for the target server, that the error I am recieving is the remote host closes the connection.

I am assuming the remote host to be my local workstation or the firewall itself.


The Proxy settings tab does not seem to work for me either.

I am using Raptor firewalls and port 80 for proxy. I know I can proxy applications, AIM works well enough.

Re: proxy

is there any free ip's for ssh proxy around that you know of?
thanks again

Re: proxy

See Proxy tab of login dialog.


Hello, i was just wondering how to connect via ssh to a server using an anonymous proxy server

thank you