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Topic review


Renaming long filenames

Hello from France,

Maybe it could be interesting to get a report of too long filenames at the end of the synchronisation process, so that we could correct each of them and then just restart one time.

Thank you for this excellent freeware.

T. JY. Derrien

Re: Problem of to long file names

I'm not really sure if I understand you suggestion. If what you are suggesting is to allow user to specify different (shorter) name, this won't work for synchronization, because than there's no way to map the new name back to original remote name in the next synchronization run.

Re: Problem of to long file names

martin wrote:

How would you rename it?

Dear Martin Prikryl,

If the sync and copy feature of winscp detects such a long path/file name one could copy this message from the error windows.
Then one could rename it either manually or with some other programm.
The one would start the winscp sync copy procedure agaim.

best regards from Germnay

Re: Problem of to long file names

How would you rename it?

Problem of to long file names

Dear Pirkyl,

Using winscp as a backup from windows to linux it oftern happens, that the path and or file name are to long.
An error message is displayed, such as system error code 3 or system error code 206
and the to long filename is shown uin the error window.

It would be nice, if the to long path/filename could be copied. Then it could be renemed and the backup and sync could occur without problems.

best regards