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Topic review


Hello everyone.

Sorry to bother, but it's already mid-2011, but seems like FTPS support for FAR is still not there...

It works!

New info!

I periodically (2-3 weeks) checked the latest Far Manager 2.0 nightly bulids againts the old Far Navigator (Proxyftp) plugin and it suddenly started to WORK!

I used this version:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Re: FTPS within Far plugin

Thank you for the answer. Hope to hear good news soon :-)

Re: FTPS within Far plugin

pet wrote:

Hi Martin, please, is there something new in Far Plugin development or did you stopped it? Thank you for you great job anyway.

I have not stopped it, but priority now is the next WinSCP release.

Re: FTPS within Far plugin

Hi Martin, please, is there something new in Far Plugin development or did you stopped it? Thank you for you great job anyway.

Re: FTPS within Far plugin

I'd like to add my name to the list for FTPS support :)

FTP over SSL


I would really appreciate if someone port the current version of winscp as a Far Manager plugin. I want to move to Far 2.0 because of UTF-8, but I need FTPS which is only supported by Far Navigator (proxyftp) currently, but unfortunately that plugin works only in Far 1.7x or below. Please!!! I'm begging you :)

Re: FTPS within Far plugin

Yes, eventually.

FTPS within Far plugin

Is FTPS going to be available in the Far plugin?