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crony wrote:

I'm asking if something into the config of Linux server should disable viewing some files thru windows based explorer applications...(winSCP for example ;) )

I have no idea.

I don't know...
I'm asking if something into the config of Linux server should disable viewing some files thru windows based explorer applications...(winSCP for example ;) )

But I'm almost sure there's not... But if it's a server related problem, that should explain why few files are not shown...Am I wrong ?

crony wrote:

Is there a parameter thru command lines that should disable viewing some files in commander view ?

Which command line?

Is there a parameter thru command lines that should disable viewing some files in commander view ?

I had this problem on different distribs, always was different files, very few, but some...

crony wrote:

Yes , Filezilla thru SFTP, same problem...
So it might be a server problem related ?

Definitely looks like.

Yes , Filezilla thru SFTP, same problem...
So it might be a server problem related ?

OK, have you tried any other SFTP client?

Hey Prikryl,

V 4.2.5 (build 624)

This problem happens before...(on other releases)
I'm loged as root, and sometimes I may not see .conf or .log files.
I think it might be any type file in fact.
For this example, the log is in /tmp , named syncr.log, but I don't think it's related to the name...

I must say I'm using vserver as well, so the website is in fact :

Might be a virtualisation problem ?

Re: some files are not shown...

What version of WinSCP are you using? What is the log file name?

same problem - help!!

same problem here

some files are not shown...


I think I've been really carreful with the configuration, but I must be missing something...

So, using WinSCP in SFTP allow fallback, into panels/show hidden files, show inaccesible directories ON , I just can't see a log file into my /var/tmp directory.

Thru SSH, I see the log file...

There are lots of directories with log files that I can list/edit without any problems...

But from time to time, on few directories, I just can't list anything, log or conf files, I don't think it's a matter of extension file, but...

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks ![/img]