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Re: full synchronization

inferno wrote:

I have a rather substantial directory tree that I would like to synchronize. Is it possible to set the program to synchronize all files within a root directory including all the files in the sub-directories.

This will be in next version (within few days).

inferno wrote:

but I wonder if it is possible to schedule the synchonization for an off-peak time.

Not yet. Maybe sometime :-)

full synchronization

I have a rather substantial directory tree that I would like to synchronize. Is it possible to set the program to synchronize all files within a root directory including all the files in the sub-directories.

I really like the realtime synchronizing of directories as well as the 'synchronize browsing' I have never seen that in any other sftp client, but I wonder if it is possible to schedule the synchonization for an off-peak time. I have found I get much faster data transfers when I am off peak and some of the files that I am working with are a couple of hundred megs.

thanks for your help,

Re: Full Syncronization

peterpan3030 wrote:

Is there an ETA for the next release?

This week (about thursday).

Re: Full Syncronization

Is there an ETA for the next release?

Re: Full Syncronization

Full synchronization function will be in the next release. You cannot use WinSCP in batch files. Use rather some command-line tool, like PSCP or PSFTP.

Full Syncronization

I am new to IT and I have just started using WinSCP. I have to use SFTP as my protocol. I need instructions on how to automate uploading and downloading files. I am starting to work with batch files. Can anyone give me direction on obtaining detailed instructions on how to script this process?