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Re: Windows XP

It does not make a difference if you have 2000 or XP. You may post a full log file, if it contains some useful information. However you should better see a server log file (or ask your server administrator) for reason of authentication failure. For example your desktop IP address may not be allowed to connect to the server.

Windows XP

I've used WinScp on my laptop which has Windows 2000, had basically no problems. On my desktop I have Windows XP Pro. I can get through the login screen but then get a smaller window sasking for a session password. I didn't see this with my laptop, with the desktop I tried imputting the password again and it came up with an error that says:

"Athentication failed
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "(name)".
Access denied
Access denied

Server sent disconnect message
"Too many authentication failures for (name)"

What does this mean, does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm using XP? What suggestions do you have?

Thanks for your time