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Timeout setting fixed this issue

I connected from home using WinSCP and had the same timeout issue. I looked around and found a timeout setting of 15 seconds. I increased that to 600 seconds and re-connected. It took approximately 33 seconds for the directory listing to appear.

So all is well now.


Re: Is there a limitation on the number of files in a folder

Neither WinSCP has such a limit. You can try to increase timeout on login dialog. If that does not help, please post a log file.

Is there a limitation on the number of files in a folder

I have a user who has a large number of files he needs to put on my FTP server. He is using WinSCP in the standard FTP format and receiving time out errrors. Currently there are a little over 4,600 files in his folder. I need to keep them all in one folder.

I am using BulletProof FTP server on Windows XP. Neither of these items has any file quantity restrictions, so now I am wondering if it is a WinSCP issue....
