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Re: Manual

There's only online manual for WinSCP.


Is there a place where I can download the entire manual? I have imbedded various FTP programs within some programs that I have written.

I have found out on my own that I must first set up a connection in WinSCP before I can do any connections doing scripting. I have also found that I have to use Synchronize to capture a picture of the files that are on the remote site. When using ftp in Windows I simply send a command "ls /remotedir > c:\files" and ftp will create a file that I can open and read into my software. I also found out that "get" in WinSCP is much like mget in ftp in the sense that you can use wildcards (have not tried remove in place of mdelete".

It would just be a lot easier (and faster) if I could refer to a manual.