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Topic review


It's been fixed in 4.2.7 as far as I can tell.

Re: Upload Fails on Creation of Seocnd (or more) Connection

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Disabled BBCode by mistake... heh

Re: Upload Fails on Creation of Seocnd (or more) Connection

martin wrote:

Nagger wrote:

Afterwards you will have some errors and crashes or it will stay open in the background after you've closed the frontend leaving processes running that need to be killed.

What errors?

Rob234 has experienced the same issue.

The errors were memory fault errors if I remember correctly. I just attempted this again and there are two instances of WinSCP running after I've closed the program. I will have to kill them in Task Manager to terminate the processes.

The steps I took were: open a connection and edit a file -> open a new connection and edit another file (may sit there in "upload" mode on this step) -> close the second connection and open a new one and edit a file. After the second or third connection you will end up with a file, or set of files, that are waiting to upload, unable to be stopped or removed, and in a normal upload mode. The files are not being uploaded, the program has already errored and is ready to either crash (after you try to close it) or it will sit endlessly in an errored state until you kill it.

Re: Upload Fails on Creation of Seocnd (or more) Connection

Nagger wrote:

Afterwards you will have some errors and crashes or it will stay open in the background after you've closed the frontend leaving processes running that need to be killed.

What errors?

Re: Similar - using edit - uploads fail, blank file uploaded

I've only one connection open. When editing files in the built in editor - usually one save file is possible, but then on 2/3/4/5/6th attempted save - a blank file is uploaded - and aplication locks up and has to be terminated via task manager.

Previous version works fine.


Upload Fails on Creation of Seocnd (or more) Connection

You can upload all day as long as you only use one connection per instance of WinSCP. If you open a second connection (or more) on the same instance and you try to upload (on two or more connections) your uploads will now fail. This is only since the new version 4.2.6. Afterwards you will have some errors and crashes or it will stay open in the background after you've closed the frontend leaving processes running that need to be killed.