i was wrong - sort order was set to 'by extension'
im sorry
thanks for great software
What protocol are you using? If you use the same protocol with any other client, do the files show up?
console scp is ok
[oz@webproj ~]$ scp localhost:/usr/local/www/discont-mebeli.ru/published/SC/html/scripts/images/apl_techics.jpg .
apl_techics.jpg 100% 23KB 22.8KB/s 00:00
[oz@webproj ~]$
winscp ver 4.2.6 build 721 (earler version too)
dont show some files in catalog
screenshot is here <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
file below apl_q.gif - apl_technics.jpg and so on are not visible
i test paths carelully
im ready to give ssh access,
sorry about my language